Local Area Context

Demographics, local need and community consultation

Demographics, local need and community consultation

Area Context

Much of the demographic data is drawn from the 2011 census; while it remains relevant it’s worth bearing in mind that it’s 8 years old and some of the statistics may have changed significantly since it was published.

The Myatts Field North area hosts a diverse demographic. 2011 Census information and housing records indicate that over 50% of the community identify themselves as Black African, Black Caribbean or Black Other. Slightly over 25% list themselves as White (including Eastern European, Central/South American and Irish) with the remaining community being ‘mixed’ or of another ethnic grouping. The largest age bracket is the 30-44 age groups at 29%. 20-29 year olds make up 19% of the area while the 45-59 age bracket accounts for 12%.

The Council’s state of the wards report, published in 2016, provides the following key headline information for Vassal Ward :


  • Over half of households are social rented (53%) compared to 23% home owners and 22% private rented.

  • Overall, median household income is low.


  • The ward has a high rate of working age benefits claimants, a high rate of out of work claimants, and an average rate of claimants under 25.

  • Although employment rates are average for the borough, there is a high rate of dependent children in out of work households

  • Of those in work the top occupations were:

    • Professional 23.4%

    • Associate professional and technical 18.9%

    • Elementary 12.8%

    • Elementary administration and service 12.4%

    • Business, media and public service professionals 12.1%


Compared to the rest of both Vassall Ward and Lambeth, Myatts Field North has a significantly greater incidence of factors which contribute to deprivation and social exclusion, e.g. lower level of owner occupation, more residents with bad or very bad health (8%), noticeably fewer residents with degree level qualification, NVQ Level 4 and above), fewer residents in full time employment; higher rates of unemployment and lower rates of self-employment .

However, in line with other parts of Lambeth and London boroughs more broadly, significant change is taking place at neighbourhood level in the form of development and regeneration. Local demographics are changing with increased ethnic diversity, the proportion of home owners and mean income levels.

Children and young people

  • Between 2014-16 the population of 3-4-year olds in Vassall Ward increased by over 12% leading to its identification as a population hotspot

  • The ward has among the highest levels of children per childcare place of any ward in Lambeth (2015 data); the overall average number of children per place is 7 in Vassall ward compared to just 2 in Clapham Town, Bishops and Thurlow Park

  • The same study pointed to a lack of flexible childcare in Vassall ward relative to other wards in the borough

  • Childhood obesity is an issue; there is a high rate of children in reception and year 6 who are obese.

  • One youth club is based in Vassall ward. This is the Friday Youth Club at Slade Gardens Adventure Playground

  • Vassall ward is covered by LEAP (Lambeth Early Action Partnership), a 10-year programme aimed at improving children’s lives through a family and community led approach.

Community facilities

  • Lambeth’s latest Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment points to a large choice of pharmaceutical services in the ward, which is served by 4 pharmacies and 1 internet-based service.

  • The Council’s most recent Childcare Sufficiency Assessment suggests that the ward is under-supplied in childcare terms.

2. Summary of consultation data

Between 2012 and 2014, a series of public consultation exercises were undertaken to determine the activities and facilities that residents wanted to see planned for the new centre. This was on top of the commitment to transferring the activities which took place at the predecessor community building, the Happenings Centre. It was intended that the new centre should provide a much wider range of education, leisure, and employment preparation initiatives plus facilities for hire by both commercial organisations and for celebrations for families and friends and community fun events.

August – October 2013 Survey

Survey distributed to all households on the estate and community events

Based on 54 responses

  • 85% respondents lived or had lived on estate

  • 63% defined themselves as Black or Black Caribbean

  • 42% 45-59 years old

Respondents said they would use the new centre for:

  • fitness classes

  • healthy living

  • job preparation

  • education classes

  • arts and drama

  • financial, benefits and other advice

  • youth activities.

60% respondents said they would volunteer in new centre
75% would hire for a family or private function

November 2013 Survey

Community consultation drop in


  • MFN Youth Forum

  • Lambeth Tigers

  • Passport to Employability in the Creative Industries

  • Parallel Learning Trust

  • Cowley Residents Management Organisation

  • Charles Edward Brooks Academy School


  • Develop Partnership: Minot Hub Cowley RMO, Brixton Road Youth Centre, Lambeth Accord, and Slade adventure playground

Facilities/activities participants would like to see:

  • Creche

  • Film night

  • Parent and toddler group

  • Football, Basketball, sports

  • Youth club

  • Sexual health service

  • Lunch club

  • Homework club

  • Holiday playschemes