Graffiti Defeated

We kick off this month with a well-deserved nod to our brilliant Estate Services team here on Myatts Field North, who recently despatched some graffiti before most of us had even hit the snooze button. Contract Manager, Andra Stoicanescu, fills us in: 

Graffiti is one of the most visible problems that occur in a community, and a challenging situation for Estate Services teams across Pinnacle. While the team makes sure the estate is well presented at all times, overnight a few pairs of busy hands decided to vandalise the furniture in Eythorne Park with graffiti. Maria and Mario tried to clean the surface, but they could remove only some of the marks, before back-up arrived in the shape of John and Armant who came armed with a pressure washer to finish the job. I’m very pleased to have such good collaboration from the team here to quickly resolve emergency issues such as the one we had today. 

Well done John, Armant, Maria and Mario, keep up the good work! 


Fun Day


Road Sign Round Up