Introducing Independent Living and Fire Safety Tips

Help For Independent Living

Lambeth Council has introduced a new ‘Help for Independent Living’ platform for elderly and disabled people to help make everyday life easier and support people to stay comfortably in their own homes for longer.

The platform focuses on providing individuals, their families and carers, with advice and guidance to access equipment to make their homes better suited to their additional needs. It also covers help in the home, help with common daily activities and health and well-being.

The platform is designed to be easy to navigate and lets people choose from a wide range of topics, answer a series of questions and then produces a personalised report including links to a catalogue of suppliers that can provide thousands of products to support independence at home.

Fire Safety Advice

This is a reminder to all residents that in the event of a fire, there is a ‘stay put’ policy in place.

    • Leave the room where the fire is straightaway, then close the door.

    • Tell everyone in your flat and get them to leave and close the flat entrance door behind you

    • Do not stay behind to put the fire out.

    • If there is a lift – Do NOT use.

    • Wait outside, away from the building.

    Call the fire service on 999 or 112.

    • The building is designed to contain a fire in the flat where it starts. This means it will usually be safe for you to stay in your own flat if the fire is elsewhere.

    • You must also leave immediately if smoke or heat affects your home, or if you are told to leave by the fire service.

    • If there is a lift – Do NOT use.

    • If you are in doubt – get out.

  • In 2022 Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs), were completed with residents residing in buildings with 3 floors and above.

    We are now aware of residents who need assistance from the fire brigade to vacate their property and this information has been passed onto the fire brigade.

    If your circumstances have changed since you completed the PEEP and now need assistance from the fire brigade to vacate the building, or have any questions about the content of this article, please contact the housing office on 0203 771 0151


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