Tackling Dog Fouling
We want to remind our tenants and leaseholders who own dogs of their responsibilities. Please be a responsible dog owner and clean up after your dog. Poop scoop bags are available from a wide range of sources, or you can reuse your old supermarket plastic bags. Once you have picked up and bagged the faeces it can be disposed of in the bins provided in the park areas, however it should be double bagged before it is place in any other litter bin – remember “bag it and bin it.”
Our housing management and estate services teams are very observant while carrying out their day to day duties and should any of our tenants or leaseholders prove to be involved in this act of antisocial behaviour we will look at taking enforcement action through the tenancy/lease agreement.
However, we are also aware that the park area is open to everyone and that many perpetrators of such behaviour might not be our tenants or leaseholders. Therefore, we are writing to all residents to raise awareness of these issues. Should you witness any dog fouling please do report it to Lambeth Council using the following links:
Love Lambeth - Dog Fouling
Love Lambeth - Anti Social Behaviour
that consequently could lead to Environmental Crime Enforcement Officers issuing on-the-spot fines to perpetrators.
An offence under the Dog Control Order can result in an on the spot £50 fine and/or fines of up to £1,000 if a perpetrator is prosecuted in court for dog fouling.