Knitting with Annette 

No fewer than five of the projects that happen weekly within the community centre are run by residents themselves, people who give up their time to pass on knowledge, skills and experience to other community members, and we’re lucky to have them. 

One of those people is Annette, who has been running knitting classes in the community centre for a number of years, she tells us more below. 

My name is Annette, I am passionate about helping others learn how to use various yarns to produce small items, including hats and scarves, to help keep you warm during the cost of living crisis. From February 2024, term time only sessions will be in place. 

I worked in the local health centre for two years, helping others learn the skill of using a range of yarns to produce knitted items. Examples include lavender sachets for draws and clothes hangers in your closet, scarves, hats and various patchwork squares with different stitches such as rib, pearl, and moss stitch. 

Many find it relaxing, in a warm, welcoming environment conducive to learning in an unhurried, friendly manner. Classes came to a standstill when covid arrived, but undeterred, I moved onto Zoom to continue the sessions with the students who were still keen to learn. After the pandemic, and when it was safe to return to the community centre, I continued to run the workshops in person. I am very thankful for all those who have made it possible for me to share my gift with the community. 

If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, join Annette for her knitting sessions 4.15pm Wednesday afternoons during termtime in the community centre. If you have a project idea and you’d like some space and support to get it off the ground, get in touch on sam.mason@


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