Replacing Failed Light Bulbs
Pinnacle Group Pinnacle Group

Replacing Failed Light Bulbs

Several residents have recently been reporting electrical faults after replacing failed light bulbs with LED replacements.  When the lamp is installed it can flicker or it may work for a short time and then stop.

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Tackling Dog Fouling
Pinnacle Group Pinnacle Group

Tackling Dog Fouling

We want to remind our tenants and leaseholders who own dogs of their responsibilities. Please be a responsible dog owner and clean up after your dog. Poop scoop bags are available from a wide range of sources, or you can reuse your old supermarket plastic bags.

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The Happenings Christmas Dinner
Pinnacle Group Pinnacle Group

The Happenings Christmas Dinner

Pinnacle and The Happenings hosted Residents annual Christmas Dinner on 20th December 2019.  The dinner that catered for by our community café - Home and away was very well attend and was lots of fun for all.

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